
Fairies so small they can hardly be seen, except for the laughing child within. Fairies so happy and kind, so gentle and wild, so go on and dance my wild fairy child.

franziska and her many wet felted art creations

About Franziska

About me Franziska

I am an artist working primarily with wool and occasionally with other natural elements such as wood or leather. 

I design and felt colourful, quality wall hangings and home accessories which are inspired by the colourful changes of our seasons, the organic shapes of the Irish countryside and its many inhabitants.  

Because of my interest in natural materials and shapes I try to reflect what I see and feel in my art. I am particularly  intrigued by Irish mytholog

and its fascinating stories.  Clearly visible when you visit the collection of Fairy folks I created.

A while ago I was interviewed by TG4, which is an Irish TV channel, about my inspiration and interests in fairy folks. You can watch the interview here

 I studied saddlery leatherwork in Switzerland for 3 years, graduating from the Beruflichen Gewerbeschule in  Bern .  This degree gave me a wide knowledge of leather, natural fibres and textiles and encouraged me to develop my art and design skills.

These have been subsequently honoured several times (1995, 1997 and 2013) with prestigious awards received from the Royal Dublin Society (Ireland)

These awards gave me the opportunity to show and highlight my art to a bigger audience.

I also teach wet felting for over 18 years; I teach online and in person. The online wet felting workshops gives me an opportunity to reach out to a worldwide audience. In other words. No matter where you live, I can show you the ins and outs of felting wool. It’s many benefits and the opportunities of creating something very special.


This Uplifting inspirational art can give your home or workspace a contemporary modern ambience.

a picture hanging in a living room created from wool
franziska name sign